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Behavior and Rules

Classroom rules and behavior

For behavior management and homework management, I give each student the opportunity to participate in a total of 20 minutes of free time (self selection) on Fridays. Free time can be used to play board games, chat with friends, draw, write, read, play on the computers, etc.


Each day, your child has the opportunity to keep all 20 minutes of their Friday free time. However, if they choose to disrupt the class, interrupt others, not complete classwork, or break classroom or school rules, they will lose 2 minutes of their Friday free time, per behavior occurrence. The minutes will be deducted from their Friday free time allowance at the end of the week.


If a student breaks more than 3 rules in one day, the parent(s) will be notified and corrective action will be taken.     


The main rules in our classroom are:


1. be a good listener and respectful student by paying attention to directions the first time they are given and listening while others are talking


2. be a kind and supportive team member to everyone in our class


3. keep supplies and desk clean and organized


4. take care of our classroom 


5. be accountable and responsible for your work


6. be a good role model for the rest of the school


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