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Spelling lists

Daily homework will include:

  • math- worksheet or Google Classroom practice

  • 20 minutes of reading

  • reading log or Whooo's Reading (due Fri.)

  • spelling or Language Arts work (see student agenda- normally due Friday, unless noted differently in agenda)



Math homework will normally be given out every

night Monday through Thursday.  Math homework

is always due the following day, unless otherwise noted in class. If there is ever any question, please look at student's agenda or email me ASAP.


Spelling & Language Arts

Spelling homework is due on Fridays. Any other spelling or Language Arts homework is due as written in student agendas. Most weeks there will be a spelling and vocabulary test given on Friday. 


Reading logs

For reading homework, the students need to complete an activity from their reading log on Monday through Thursday. Please check student agenda for that week's assignment. Reading logs are due on Fridays.


Additional homework

If a student does not complete an assignment

in class, they may be asked to take the assignment home and finish it. In these cases, the assignment will be due the following day.


Late homework

If I see it becoming a problem for your student

to turn in their homework on time, I will have a conversation with them.


Every time a homework assignment is not turned in on the date it is due, the student will either walk the track or complete their homework during their morning recess time. Some homework cannot be made up.


If the student turns in more than two homework assignments late in one month, they will not be allowed to participate in a special free time opportunity which will be awarded at the end of a monthly homework cycle. Homework is given as an opportunity to practice skills we have learned in class. 

Class projects

I will be assigning different projects throughout the school year. Project information will be given out in class and discussed thoroughly with the students. Some of the time I will give students time in class to work on projects, however, there will be some projects that need to be completed at home. Please support your students with time management skills when completing their projects. Projects always take much longer than students think they will take.


All projects should be completed with the students' best effort. I have high expectations for every single one of the students in our classroom, and I am confident that they will meet and even exceed my expectations. Please support them with their projects without doing the projects for them. Pointing out things like spelling errors or attention to detail are ways you can support your child and help them to become a better student.   


For a list of projects, please click here

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